The Canoon Historial and Divine.

in the Defences of the Bible .
the Defences of the Erraticals Fountian of the Men . in when to word Divine of the Scriptures. in the Order and the thematicals . in ours Weeks.
in the vertions , of the Bible and the translation . in Correct Order . and Studies . in the Vision Inspirated.
the Great. Vocations. in the Vision , of the Bible how Ecencess, and the Order Spiritual of the Bible. in ours Saviuor Jesus Chrits.
the Canoon Greek of theKoine is Importands in the Reading and Lecctures . in the Formate Originals . of the Bible. and yuor Defences.
the Defences is the True in ours lord Jesus Chrits that others Erraticals Fountains Denegateds in the Scriptures . in the major Fountains Divines, in the Respect by the Scriptures in the major Auttority by the Men. in the Divine Direction of ours Saviuor Jesus Chrits.
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