The Canoon Historial and Divine.

The Canoon is the fountains of the true Theachings Divine. and the Rulers of the Bible in yuor Originals Fountains, .in the valors Biblicals knowings in the Studies of the Rulers Originals of the Texts . Biblicals . in the Model of ours Saviuor Jesus Chrits.
in the Defences of the Bible .
the Defences of the Erraticals Fountian of  the Men . in when to word Divine of the Scriptures. in the Order and the thematicals . in ours Weeks.
in the vertions , of the Bible and the translation . in Correct Order . and Studies . in the Vision Inspirated.
the Great. Vocations. in the Vision , of the Bible how Ecencess, and the Order Spiritual of the Bible. in ours Saviuor Jesus Chrits. 
the Canoon Greek of theKoine is Importands in the Reading and Lecctures . in the Formate Originals . of the Bible. and yuor Defences. 
the Defences is the True in ours lord Jesus Chrits that others Erraticals Fountains  Denegateds in the Scriptures . in the major Fountains Divines, in the Respect by the Scriptures in the major Auttority by the Men. in the Divine Direction of ours Saviuor Jesus Chrits.


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