II Part The Defence of the Bible and The Differents of the Falses Defence to on Organization in Union to The Falses Doctrines.

The Firts Defences is to the Scriptures . and the true Eternals . Apologetycals of the Differents of Falses Defences to On Doctrine in the Interpretations falses . in this 2 Point. the Firts 1 point when on Doctrine is False yuor Concept is Falses and the Originals Defences is the Nexts . that  this in the Apologetycals Based to ours Lord Jesus Chrits. in the Eternal Funtion  Biblicals that part of the Related  and the Apologetycals . Inspirated by God. Now  well the Others Aspect . Nexts is the defences of the falses Doctrine . that Not is Inspirated by God yeah Not . is on Homology . Ancestrals . in the  Nexts Explains  Not is based in the Scriptures . in the Contexts Hermeneuticals yeah Not in Odl Cosept . Ancestrals . in the Nexts Civilization Odl on Example Babylon  in the Nexts Expretion Hebrew  {Babliu}  that part of the Significated . Nexts Confution. and Errors

when the Babylon Ancestrals. Beiginings. in yuors Nexts . Centurys in the Period of the Genesis .in Direction to the Injustic King Nimrod  in the firts Religiuons Falses and in Generations. to ours Actual Days  in Century XXI.
Exercises on System odl Ancestrals today . and Anti -Apologetycals. in yuors  Falses  intrepretations. and the types of Doxologys Not Direct to the Scriptures. incluyings types Ancestral of the  Doctrines Not inspirateds in the Great Fraud and Controvertial Methodology. and Praxys.
the Archeology in yuor  Investtigations. and point exact Exercises on exact Concordancies . Cal the True Archeologicals. in Based to the Odl Habith in the Bible.
the Missing Archeologycals is Based in the Truth Biblicals.  in the Studies Schattology of the Parages Biblicals Experts. in limited and  Geografhy in the history of the Texts Genesis . and ours today Wordl Comtenporany to the Direct testimony in the point Achademical and Faith in the True Biblicals. and yuors Exactituditys, in the Great Line Profhetycals  Today. Respect to the Actual New Babylon in Every Part of the Face of the Planet Earth and yuors Abhominations.
the Texts of Genesis Speak of this Type of System  in the Nexts Generations. and the Defences theologals Apologetycals in the texts Divine e Inspirated. in the Convenants, Biblicals. Originals.
the texts of Genesis is the First Concordancies of the history Odl textamentarys and of the Humanity in the Creation of lord God in the Holys Scriptures .  in the Nexts Translation Hebrew is . {Berichith} in the texts Odl of the 11 Champerts
Reallys of the Genesis . in the Biblicals History  in the Origings of the Eges. is ours defence to the Lord Jesus christ . that is the Prototype of the Genesis. in the history Odl Textamentarys. in the Humillitys. of the texts. in the history Contemporanies incluyings the Great System Papal of the Today Rome. and others System Seudo- Christians  today.  Respect to the Theaching falses in the line of the Sumed Auttority , the Bible. the odl Ancestor of Nimrod Beliervfs in the Magic and the Astrology . the firts in Make Great Monuments and Icons and the firts in Guard the Day Solars by longs Eges and Generation in the times. yuor System Idolatricals is Majorminds on of the System Controvertials.  and yuor Culture live today intro of ours Eyes . in the Really Possition of the History Odl Textamentarys.in ours Days.and ours Conciencies in the Plenituditys of the Scriptures in yuor Faith Auttority. to The instrucction Biblicals .Based in the Scriptures and yuor Originals Defences aways of the Today Confuttions.Seriuos.
ours Possition and ours Conciencies is the total truet Christian. in ours Saviuor JesusChrist. in the just Profhechy Divine of the Canoon. 


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