The Firts Studies . in The Sea Death,

The Mores Importand 70 Years of Investtigations.and Studies of the Tall Cavers of the Discovery in the Sea Death
is the Firts Remenberings and Topics of the Nexts Importands and Perspectives in the Missing. of the Archeology . in the Inmemorials 70 years . in The Illustreds Expeditionary Fountains . in the Texts of the just Profhet Ishaias in the Inventtigation . Classificated . in Major and really Vislumbrys in the Great Period of the Century XX. to ours today Century XXI.
the Major Intteresing of the Archeology. is the Valors Just of the Bible . and the Greats Testimonys in the Searchs of the Firts Odjetiveds in the Fountain Achademicals Correct Respect to the Canoon. Inspirated. that is part of the Scriptures in ours Longs Days. inmemorials . and in the Actual Generations.the Importand Missing Educative in the Major Fountains in the Land just of isreal is on Illustred Menthion of the texts and the Originallity of yuors history. Really. in when to the Seriuos Nivels Achademicals and theologals Correct in the Scene of the Texts of the Scriptures , in Major Topics and Perspectives . Originals.
Must Expert Person in isreal . in the just vocation of the Importands that is the Bible in the Researchvs of Country Theologals . in the Missing just to ours Generations today . in the Times in Concordancies .
the major Thematicals is the Part of isreal. in the valors and ours respect to jerusalem . in the Studies of the Scriptures . in the major texts . Hermeneuticals . of on history Based in the Generation OriginallyMind Hebrews odl Textamentarys in the Causes of theTimes. and the just theaching to Must person . in the Face of the planet Earth
in the valors and the Faith Importands that is the Divines Scriptures in ours Medie Christians. today.
the valors and the Studies in Theology permited Not only to ours humillity persception yeah not to others in the Medie Comon . of the True Christian . in the Honor and Respect to the Scriptures. how the Auttory of ours Creator. to the major Humanitys today in the Generation of the Century XXI. ours Congreatturetion to the Must person just in the Archeology and the valors of the Scriptures in ours the hours firts of the 10 16 AM in the Passing of the Meridian of Greenwhith to the valors of the person Illustred in the Education Thematicals
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