The Great Day in the Origings of the Babylons in the Differents of the Canoon Inspirated.

Well is in when to the Day Sunday. the word in the Nexts in The Beigings . that part of the Odl Translation . in the leguage Sumers . Shogthar in yuor prominents Translation odl by the Archeology . and the odl verbs Sumer . is others Equal translation in the verbs . odl how Sothang and the Nexts Translation how Sunday. in the Defhinited verbs of the lenguage Enghlish Vertion in the Abreviatures and in the translation .Nexts . in latin Vernacule Dominus Solaris. Now well in ours lenguages Sphanisth Domingo and Adververbs Call Day of the Sun
in the Nexts Generation of Babylon . and the Reguister History by the Investtigation di li Civita Vaticani Historiale .to the Generation in the Firts Periods Extra Biblicals . Guard the Great Day of The Sun in the firts Originallitys times of The Kings Nimrod. on powerfull Hunter and Gobernanments in the tall Opossition to Yhaveh .o Jehovah.
in the Wordl Pagans of the Great King Nimrod Existings Seriuos Conflicts. I the Edifhication of on Type in on Great Tower in the Great Pontentials. and The Beiginings . of on Type of Adorations. this Nexts Adoration Not Acept by ours Creator.the Great City of Babylons yuor Name in the lenguage Sumer {Babliu.} in the Translation Originals . Confution.of the lenguagues. in yuor types of lexical . and The Modisms
that part of on History Testimonial in The Valley of Shinar. the Description Biblicals is Majormind Exact in the Dimentions of the Contexts Inspirated. in the Book of the 11 Champert Inspirated of the Genesis that part of theVison . Canonicals inspirated. in the Texts of the Inspirated Book Genesis Champert 11 versicules.9 in translation Hebrew Original of texts of the {Berichith.}
in when to the history Really and Archeologycals the Vertion and Translation. in yuor history.and Direction to the Scriptures. in Sucess Reallys. in today Territorys of Irak and Iran . and Great Part of the Conmemoratives lands Geo-territorials Biblicals
.and yuor profanes Gods. in the Inmemorials Nexts Comentary of the Dr and Ex Priest JHS Albert Rivera Romero.Babylon is Originallity Mind on Cuna of the Ancestral Activitys Pagans . in the Memory of the Wordl. odl. and yuor Origings .in the Based Archeology of Illustred and Eminent Dr Hislop permited Other Scale and is the Nexts Investtigation. the ideal of the Habiths Beinings of the Odl Civilization Babylon in the Conmemoratives Days to yuors Gods And. others Adoration Not Acept by the Order Divine e Inspirated of the lord God.
on Example Rituals of Types Idolatricals and the Culte to the Conmemorative System Solars. in the firts times of the Period Afther of The Great Flood Universal in the Related of the Texts. in the Genesis. in ours Conciencies. to the Defences Apologetycal of the Bible and the Changes by the Factor of the Tradicionale Doxology Papals. in the long and Major 300 Centurys in when to true Origings Divine of Sabbath to the Great Different of the insolict Day Ancestral the Dominus Solaris. Not Sthablecing in the Scriptures in the II Great Alliances and {Diattekes}. in The texts originals. Biblicals. e ours Conciencies Christians
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