The Originals Texts in the Perspectived of The Firts Studys of The Holy Bible.

TheTestimonials Rigths in the  Part of The Scriptures and The just Testimony in the Researchvs  Canonicals and Originals in the vision of the Nexts Theologals  Studies  in the Texts of the Scriptures. Part of the Study  Biblicals in the Studies in Manys of 500 years in the Reforms in the Investtigation in the Studys Originals of the Copy of the Canoon Hebrew and Arameics .

and the Exaustived Country of the lexical and Idiomatics  Greek Koines Classic . in the Differents of the Greek Moderns Speak in the Actuallity in the Illustred Nation of Greek. today. 
the Koine Classic,  is the major Testimony  in the Holys Scriptures in yuors period of the Translations Vernacules in the Vulgatum Latin of the 70  by the Example of Saint Jeronimos Dalmatian of Alexandries. in the Concordancies  in the Lenguages  Culted of the Others lenguages  in the Translations And Studies . in the Perspectived of the Canoon Inspirated of the Sextuagintes Greek in the Perfect Koine. in the Order of Codice. Divine. e Inspirated
in the Armony of Hebrew and the Odl Translation Masoreticals in the texts Odl. in the vertions . and Studies Apologetycals in the Direction of the Canoon Biblicals in the Eges , of the Codice in Major Texts Biblicals in the yuors translation . in times . of the Illustred Reforms. in the thematiacsl Idiomaticals . in the Major Perspectives , originals in the Study of the Defence faith of the Canoon Biblicals Spirituals in ours Conciencies . and the true faith in ours Saviuor Jesus Chrsit. in the Revelation of the Scriptures. that is the Auttority. defhinited. of others Erraticals Fountains Achademicals . Respect to ours Direct Defences to the Scriptures. 
Inthe texts Hebrew that is the Auttority and truth of the Scriptures . in the Perspicazy Character Theologal and Divine in the pure  and Exact Original Theachings. in the Scriptures how Auttority. Achademicals . and Vocationals to the Service of others Nation . in the Special
Instrucction Biblicals Divine, in the Anno Domini 100 D .E .C  the Codice is Importand in on Texts  and permited on Search Special in the Perspectives of the Canoon Greek . and the Latin. in the Special Testimony of the Firts Phaters  in the Exact Apologetycals . in the Study personal. in Inmemorial Times to ours today in the Century the  Hours of Moorning to 9 48 hours of Greenwisth Meridains Firts Day of the week


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