The Valors of the Canoon in the Etapes of the Texts of the firts and Odl Convenants

The Scriptures and the Faith Alliances in the Divine History Apologetycals.  in the Special Day of the Sabbath, ours Nexts and Firts Thematicals in the Moornings . of  today Fritday  in the Limited of the Special Day Sabbath  is the Firts Vocations . in the Study Divine of the Scriptures in The Based to the Evidency of the Valors Apologetycals and Doctrinarys of the Canoon Hebrews in the Profhetys and the Kings.
is the perspicazy and Divine Dicovery of
the Great Valors of the Bible and the firts Fundaments Christians . in the Rulers Inspirateds of the Texts , in the Eternal Vision.  equal that in the Times of the Firts Familys Christains . in who are the Rulers and Fundaments  is in ours Saviuor Jesus Christ . in the Doctrine .of the Christianistics, in the Vocations. Biblicals Originals.
the Major Fundaments in the Scriptures is ours Saviuor Jesus Christ   in the inspiration Divine of the Bible . in the Major Conciencies. Everythings the parts and Texts of the Scriptures . and yuors {Diattekes} Speakings of the Major Thematicals Profheticals yuor Special  Name  Jesus  Christ
the the firts Texts and Book Genesis and  the lost texts in the Hermeneuticals of the Apocalipsis and the Equal Methions. of the Major texts of  Revelations . in the Relation and the Armony of the Firts inspirated Convenants  in the II {Diattekes}  Alliances first  I Textaments . and II Textaments  in the Rulers of the Order Biblicals Originals.  in the Respect to the odl vertion and lenguages Arameics and the Rulers of the Canoon Hebrew and the Greek. Koine.
the Koine is the Majors  Classic  Lenguages in the Vision of the texts  Greek in the perspective of the lexicals in the vertion of the Sextuagintes  in the Directtion and Order hermenueticals of the Origings Divine of the Inspirations of the Vocation and Vertions in the Linguistical of New .Textaments in the Order and in Repherentials of the Odl Scriptures in the Copy of the Koine. Examplars.  in the Vertion Modern and Odl. of the Firts Martirs   Christians. in Rome and part of the Territories in Asian Menors. in the Investtigation original of the Aspect Biblical . in the Great Vocations . Inspirateds. in the Respect to the Canoon. of  the Greek Classic  is Majorminds of  the Fountains Manys Great in the Ciclus of the Scriptures , in the Apologetycals and the Defences of the Odl Textaments and New Textaments. in the journeys of the just Apostles and yuor Examplar lifes in yuors Martiries  in the Defences original of the Scriptures. in ours Conciencies. 


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