The Valors of the Day Shabbath. in the II Greats {Diattekes} I Textaments and II Textaments.

in the firts Hours of the Moornings. in the Passing of The Meridiants of Greenwhiths to the 8 huors 38 Minutes  in Ours Nexts Thematicals . in when to the Firts Alliances in the  II Textaments  the Firts Pages and of the last pages of the Scriptures Respect to the Days Sabbath.

in the Bible and Respect to  the Apologetycals of the Sabbath  is on of the Sacramentals Day Holys in the Weeks in the Importand Remenberings . by the Order of ours  Creator.
in the IV Comandaments in The Scriptures Speak . in the Order Spirituals that this is on  Day is in the just e importand and  Specials.Conssagrattions. Not only by the Generation Hebrews in isreal yeah Not by others Generation . of the  {Ghoyins } The Word Original in The Translation Hebrew how. peoples Mixtes and Sthranghers Explain in when to Others Nations Differents to isreal
the Day Sabbath is Eternal in The Special Model Spiritual . in the Week. is The Sabbath on Model Major that Others Days . in the Week . in when to the Vision Biblicals . Originals. in the gospel of the Dicipule Luke  in The Nexts Champert 6 versicules 4- 6 and other Nexts Champert 4 versicule 16.  and the Mother of ours Saviuor Mary . Acept and Guard the Sabbath, in the Contexts Originals . In the Reguisters Inspirated of the just Dicipule luke in the Nexts Champert 23.versicule 56 and Guard by the Men inspirateds  and Apostolicals . in the Contexts of the Book of  The Acts Champert 13 versicules  14 -44  and Champert of the Texts of the Act . in the Continues Champerts 17 versicules 2 and The Champert 18 versicules 4. in The just Contexts of the on Day Special . in the Scriptures . in the Model Holy . and Originals. Respect to the Day just of lord God in the Generations. of the Bible. in the I Churth Primitive of the Firts Familys Christian in when to the Sabbath  is Guard . in yuor Apologetycals . the Great Churth in Tall Traditions  of  The  Romen. Know of ihts True in The Greats 300 Centurys .And Period  in the Great Changes . and Acts . in the Causes of the Great Period Apostates. in the Really Vision Originals . of the  Bible Example in the Conciliuos of Nicea and Trento and Occidents and the Changes in Constantinopla, by the Act Traditionals. Originals.  in the  Bible Nevers The Sabbath is Denegated . in the just Testimony of the Martirs. Christians. in the valors of the Scriptures. in yuor just Translations. 


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