The Bible and the Area of the Face of the Planet Earth Thematical 1 Overture

The Superficies of the Earth in the Scriptures is Revelated in the Texts Expositived of The Book Inspirated of Job in the Nexts Champert 26 vs 7} in the texts Writtings  e Inspirate by the Order of Lord God  YHWH  To the Lawguislator  Moses  and  permited On Armony in the Genesis. in the Greavitty and  Zones  in the Space and the Face of the Scale of the Planet in the Order Exact . Equal that the Formations of the Stars in the Country of the Universes. in the Expantions of the Nothings  and is in the Vertion of the Armony in the Exactly  of Book of Genesis in the Champert 1. in the Call Order . in the just Therminology and the Vertiens Hebrew {Barauth}  in the Exact Significated of the  Cosmics  Order  and Every the Infinited Creations in the Universes and The {Kosmos} Wordls . and Kings Menors and Majors in The Criatures and others Species . in the Different  Generus. Not Equal To the Special Creation of the Man

and Others Intteresanting Studies is the Nexts , Mass of the Elements Incluyings the Airs Bio Naturals.  in the Extentions of the face of the Creations. Job Champert  28 vs 25}  and the Infinitive Number of the Small Celestials Sthruptures . how in the Stars in yuor Order Cosmics. in the Texts of the Nexts Book of  the just Profhet Jeremiah in the Champert 33 Vs 22,}
Note the Sattellital Orbital Exo Ex-Planetary NASA Hubblee  in the Investtigation of the this Actual Centurys XXI  2015-2017  in the films  And in  Grabation Type Visuals of Millions of Cumules of the Stars . and Small Galaxys in the Firmaments  of the Cosmos. and the Recopylattions Digitals of the Space . and Yuors Total Odservation and Expantions. of the Universes. and the Super Novas. that is part of the

just Creation  in the tall Planus . of the Universes. in The Bio Activity. today in the Evidencies Scientsitics and in firts pleace the Biblicals Repherentials. of on Creator really. and just. in Your Great Love. by the humanity. in the Acts of yuor Hands. in the Longs of the Illustred Historials  Period  So Must  Scientsitics , How the Inmemorials Dr  and Sir Albert Eisteind ,Issac Newton Kepler, Kopernikus and the Illustred  Dr Galileo Galilei . view and Study the Scriptures  in just Answer of the Scattology of the Times in the Perception Scientsitics and Today. in ours Conciencies.


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