The Conciencies of the Comunity Hebrews of the Century I.

The Illustred and Great historian Jhosepus Flaviuo. Ben  -Mattatiahu   Descripved on of the Major Point in when to the  Familys Hebrews in the Romen Empire in the Longs Days of the Emperator Vespancian. and Theatrons and the  Spectaculeds . intro of Great House Imperials. in the City Eternal of   The
Romens  in the  Anno Domini  79 -80   D. E .C  Vespancian . in yuor Pleace in the City from  Rome . Permited on  Direct Act Theatrals . inThe  honors to Eangle  Romens To yuor Great Conquister of the Inmemorials City Jerusalem, and yuors  Expectador only Making on Solemnity Odservations in when to the Thematicals Heroic of the Wars . intry Romen and Hebrews ,
intro of  the  Every Peoples of Wordl .intro of the Acts
 Descripted of Great Events Theatrals. Vespancian Note on Simplex Mask of on Illustred Hebrew , and How , iths in Valients Possition . Joshepus in the Texts Wars of the Jewisth  Not Only Exponeds
intry the Wars of the Jewisth  yeah Not On Exclusived Descriptions . that  this  is On . Major .  Expectation in The perpeje Drame .in  the Emperator Amazings . in the Possition just of the Others in yuor Personifications. and in the House Imperials of Vespancian . only the Drame is on maks of the Rabbies Menors is that Triumps is the Hebrew and Not in the Heroics Galus and Egyptians Etiopes . is the Valient People  Hebrew, in the Lost vastion of Mazada.  its preuocupation to the Great Vespancian. and the Emperator Permited on Odservation of Valient familys Hebrews in the Really Missing . in the Tall of the Mazada. is the lost Vastion. in intro of the Familys Jewhis Supervivors , . and valients . in the Wars of the Hebrews New Textamentarys and Romens. in the Frontal Expuries Pugned. in when to Really Problematicals . XVI   legiuon Imperial by  the Tribuned  Military  in yuor Name Maurus  Silva.   and honor of yuors Auto Victorian . in the Reason of the Men and Women and Childrens in the  Great Valors . in the Inmemorials Cities of  the Fortalecy  in Mazada. in  the  Anno 79  D .E .C


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