The Contexts Divine . in the Scriptures in True Explicings in Astro Phisys IV Part

Existings 2 Importand  And Great Differents intro of the Descriptions of the Astronomy and the Holys Scriptures  the 1  in The  Educatived Fountians . is the Nexts .  1. the description Scientsitics Comon  in when to the  Boreal  Possition of the Nivel Descripted by the Illustred Scientsitics . and Vocation Intelecttual  2. the Originals Biblicals Explicings Inspirated in the Order Divine . in The Views this  is on Differents Possition.
the Formations Phisys in the Order Planetarys is on of the major e Importands Visualization in the Answer of the Scriptures . in the inspirations Textuallitys of the Canoon .
The Translation in ours Firts Thematicals . Permited the Importands Missing . Callings  in  the Firts Contexts of Book of the Genesis. the Planet . Earth in Hands of the Supreme Creator  {YHWH} .  And  the Missing Divine E  Inspirated by the Order of the Creation . the Stars and part of Universes. Gen1-21} and Context Faith of the Poetic texts of the Psalm . in yuor Firts Beiginings.  PSalm 3-36} and others Act in Order Creatived in the Energy Divine of yuor Voice and inspirated Words  in the Act Perfect of the Creations. in Nexts Word and the Expretion of the Lenguage Greek Koine Call  {Ex Nihilo}   this is Inspirated and Creator Word Not . Occupy the the Matter and PreExistentails.   God  Uttility the PreExistentail in Adan. and Every is formated of the Face of the Earth in yuor Order Barath in The  word of Lord God. Every Existtentials . in the Kosmos  in the point  lexical Greek   Wordls and Kings  and Not the Concept Darwinianus . in the today Great Universitys of the Planet . in yuor Theach . Achademicals .
in the History So Must Scientsitics Theaching in the Based  in the Scriptures on Example is the Inmemorials Dr  Issac Newton. 
in the Major Countrys Phisys .
the Sciencies today Ocult Must Aspects of the Official Creation . in just Respect to mys Friends of the NASA in the Actuallity . in when to The  Creation. and the Formations . of the Reason . Cosmics. in the Creation .
in the Firts and faith and just Fudaments Biblicals . inspirated only the Today Illustred Scientsitics Explicing on Part
of the Zones Creatives of the Universes and yuors Capes. Phisys in the Astronomy Phisys Educatived and Achademicals.  in Superficies Acuotics of the States Phisys of the Universes and Space is on Magnifics Order Creatives of ours Great Creator  {YHWH}


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