The Ekumenical Passing . in Direction Ponthificies 1985 -2017.

The Nexts Vision is the Today United Ekumenicals . in the Odl Vertion Eclesiastical  in the Lenguages and Activity . Greek. Callings today in Every the Scene of the Face of the Earth in Total United and Habitations.

Well in the respect to the Scriptures and The Texts in the Bibles Vertion. in the Mind of Lord God is the Trueth of the Differents Odl Traditions  Ancestrals .
Today the Men . Exercises on Only Culte and Activity Type Religiuons  in the Firts Times of Genesis the Great Opossitor . Nimrod  in yuors Distintives Formations . in Every Earth in Activity . Buillings on Great Elevated Tower  in the Forms of on type Zigurath  today in the Biblicals  lands  Lord God YHWH  Changes the Expantion of yuor lenguages . in the original Translated  of the Word Hebrew in the Genesis . in when to Nimrod is . {Marath}   is on vertiens in yuors Nexts Significated how. Very Injustic   in Great Manery
Not Every of  the types of Beliervfs and cultes  in yuor Activities Repond to lord God YHWH. in the Scriptures . in The  Seriuo Example in ours Conciencies of the Kings Nimrod is on Example in the Great Point Controvertials . in The United Ekumenicals .
in 1985 the Illustred Pope Jhoaness Paulines the Great , in on Formal Reunion Ekumenicals in the ONU. in the Nexts year  1979 in The firts Reunion in Asis . in the land
and the Small People of Italy in the United . and the Nexts Generations. of the Today Ponthifices Beneditte XVI in year 2012 and today the Humillity and Illustred Francist Pope.  in the Actuallity .
the Activity of Different Thesis . is today on of the Assignatured in the Great Period of Vatican . in the Class Memorably . in the Sosten by the United in the Inmemorail Days of  the Pope Jhoaness Paulines . in yuors Ancention  Papal . and the Activity 1979. in yuor Dinamics . Option. of  the Changes . in the Nexts Asociation of on Future New Order Wordl in the Today Character Type Religiuon . by the Order of Romen Churth Eclesiaticals Postured.
well when Examinings the Great Tower of Babel in the Scriptures . Nimrod in the total Opossition to Lord God. and Now in the Great Confution . in the Nexts word Hebrew and Arameics Call. {Babliu}.
the Great System . odl in the firts Eges of  the Genesis . and Vision of the  Biblicals  Antro Phology of  the investtigation Profheticals . Exponed to the Scriptures and Ours Conciencies in the Different Possition . that Not SoMust peoples .in yuors Directriz , Acept  the Bible and yuor True Theach . Divine, in the Really valoration of the texts , in the Lihgts of the Scriptures , and ours just Conciencies. in ours defence to the Scriptures,
in the Year  1981 the Inmemorial Dr Albert Rivera Romero . Ex Priest-JHS  and  the Convertion to yuor Concients life Christian in yuor Remenbering  Explian in the Optatived Manery in the Events Ekumenikal . how . profheticals . in the Tall Class Papals. to on Nivel wordl. and the Reason of the Ihts Great and Controvertails . Missing. Inter Denominational wordl. in the Direction of on New Order Type Religiuons. today. in Every yuor Missing in ours Conciencies . is the Bible the truth . and the faith Reason in The Longs  500 years , in ours Saviuor is the  Defence in  the faith Promecy  of the Mathirs  and the True Knoweled in the Holy Scripture in the Respect to the
Magnus  power of Rome. Eclesiaticals. that is Different  to ours Neutrals Possition. today .in the Multy Culturals Possition of the Belierfevs , Not Acept in the Canoon Biblicals in the  love to ours Saviuor and Lord Jesus Christ.
Note on Inmemorial Stree of Rome. Italy  in the limited di li Civita di Vatican. in on juorneys of my Dear  Sister . to Rome  Italy. 


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