The Great True in the Examinings of the Scriptures

The Bible is on of the Mores Greats True is ours Texts and Book . in the Firts and Faith Theach Divine . in yuors Defences this Nexts Day to 8 55 Hours of the Moornings in the Greenwhith Meridians. in the Word of the Lord God. to the New and Nexts Generations . in the Schollings , and the Churth is Importands the texts Guide , in the Theachings of the True . Apologetycals . in the Sacra Scriptures
in the history of the translation in longs 500 years in when to the Dr Eminents Martin Luther is on of the Great Translated in the Originals Copys of the Canoon intry the Greek Septuagintes and the Odl Forms Idiomatics of the Texts Hebrew and Arameics Originals. in the instrucction Divine of the Canoon. and Exact Translated in the idiomatics Forms Comon
its is in the Inspirated Point Importand and Theocratics in the Valors of the Scriptures , in Manys Intteresanting Texts , in the Perspicazy of the True Divine . in the Rulers Inspirated . in the Canoon . by the longs 500 years , in the Just Directtion Divine.
and Others Just Dr in the history , to The Sapients Nivels . in the Preparation of the Order in ours Lenguages , and the Formations e Instrucction in the Country Educatived and scramentals . in the Vertiens of the Bible in the Sola Scriptures,
the Manys Great Period of the History of the Reforms . to ours today Century Comtenporany . in the Actaul Eges XXI .
in the today Times of ours Actual History. in the Directions of the Canoon in on just Hope . the Book of major Studies of Every Generations of the Times . the Scriptures. in ours Hands , the texts of the texts the Book of the Book . in yuor just Divine inspirations in valors in Share to ours Humanity in Every the Nexts times in the wonderfull privilegy. just.
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