The Sabbath in the Creation.

The  Biblical Line Profethycal Inspirated is the Creation in When to the Sabbath. and the Answer of the Great Creator  Yhaweh  in the Day in the  Elecction .

In the inspirated Book of the Genesis . the Creation is perfect. intro of the Heavens and the Earth in the Expantion of yuor Hands the Creation is Great, in  yuor Order the Sabbath is on day in the Mind of the Creator . in the Vertion  Odl . and the Others Vertion . Torah and The Neblines and Kethuvines is the Sabbath on Day Just In the Remenbering in the Eternal Eges of the History. in the Trayectory of the Major Explendor Everything The Creation. in yuor Model of valor. its is the Major Proyections. in the Example Divine of the Creation. of lord God the Major Day in The Conssagrattion . of the Celestial Son . in the Major Conssagration perfect.  and the jubile Eternals.  Everything The Creation . view the in yuor Hands the Sabbath. in yuor Criatures. in the Texts Hermeneutical of  the Reguister of the Genesis. Champert 1 versiculed 2. this is on Importand Reguister Biblical .in the Context Creative and Divine in The lihgts of the Scriptures . in Major Adverticed. is the Seventhing and Great Day. in the Humanity Not the Firts Day. the Expretion Hebrew Arameics How {Nuah} . is Cessations  in  The Biblicals Explian in the Eges of the History ours Conciencies.the theach of Sabbath  Not is On Heregia is on Great true Apologetycal of the the Eges of the History Theologal Biblicals . in the Original {Dokein} Greek Koine, Doctrine . and Comandaments . Special of the Order and  the 
Remenbering. in the faith Word Hebrew Arameics Barath in the Creation of the Criatures of  the Heavens and the face of the Earth, is in 7 Day of the Creation.of Lord the Exact Missing Creatived of the 6 Days Creatives  to the Adoration Universal. 
the Firts Day of the Week . Not is Biblicals . Never in the Scriptures is your Expretion . Correct . in the wordl Pagans yeah is on Day in  The Allution to  the  Sun.  Besfore of that the  Imponent King Nimrod Make the Great Tower of the Confution {Babliu -Babel } and The  Limited of Days of Noah the Peoples in the Culte to The odl System of the Sun.  and the Contexts Divine in the True Originals.the Habith . permited in Centurys on Heregia . to the Orbital System Solar in Special to the Sun how God and Not to the True Creator Magnus. in the Study Original Biblical and  Thematicals Original  The Order Original Divine of the Holys Scriptures.
Scientsitics Note . in the Day Sabbath , the Equinostio. is Majormind Long and  in  the Zones of the Mountains . in the Vegetation of The Country in yuors Solid .Perspective of on Day Inmemorial and the Wordl Created in the Order Divine and the System of the Wordl Bio Naturals. in when to the Life in the Bio Etapes of the History. Phisys. in the Creation.  in the Activity of Voice of lord God. by love to  Everything in the Just  Humanity.
Note Achademical Really the Sabbath is Eternal . Not Existhings others  type of  Day. this is the Day Holy. in the Inspiration Divine of the Holy Scriptures .


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