The Scriptures and the First I Investtigation Poetics of the Embriology. Final II Overture

in The Nexts Study and in the Texts of the Poetic Book of the PSalms in the just King of isreal David inspirated in yuors just Prayings Descripved on Possition of the Embriologys in When to the Reason of the Order Divine . and Explain intro Creation . of the On Criature .in the Pre -Conception . of the period Gestatived in on Mother . in the Really Valoretion of the Geneticals Codigs in the Vision of the Creation. in when to ours period of the Conceptions in ours Nativity. PSalm in The Nexts verses and Praying 199 and Versiculeds 89.
and the Other Armony of the texts of the inspirated texts, Job. 10 -9-11} in the formations Inspirated of the Embrion Humans.
its is Intteresanting in the Vision of the Biblicals Expossition. in the Holys Scriptures is the major Elevated Texts in the Nexts Generation of the History. in the Firts and Major Sciencies . inspirated. and Divine. in Major Promecy of the Creation.
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