The Scriptures And of My Personal Studies by Every Person in Others Part of the Earth

The instituted of Jhon Knox. in my City Adoptived of Barranquilla is on of the Great and Small Institutions . in the Missing ofthe Country Apologetycal and the Country Scientsitics Theologals . in Share Here My Experiencies for Every of the Person Just . and in the Achademical Possition. thanks to the Dr Isreali Edgar Mizrait ours Proffesor  Yehudy Salazar Anvedaño Ibero American and Great Person in the Thematicals in theology . and the Presbhisterian Missing Internationals  and Local Educatived. and ours Proffesor . the Dr Paul Mendoza Julio  and the Dr Carlos Garbiras .of the Miapic International Schollings. E.U.A on Great Team in the Colaboration . in the Studio in theology e Investtigations. is on Honor . in the Institutional of the  Menthion . to  the Alcalde Alex Chard Chaljud . in The local Distric of the Illustred Barranquilla  City and the Missing . Educatived in the Planus Eclesial in the Nivel of the Reformers .

Ours Preparation is on Missing in  Heplth just  to others person . in the Missing Educatived Reforms  in the major Possition Logisticals . of the Virtuditys of the Thematicals Theologals. Today. in ours Heplth to Humanity. is by my on Honors. thanks in Great Humillity to SoMust in Ibero American and North American. is on Honor Share Here in  The instrucction and the Vocation to others InternationalMind. thanks to  The Studys in theology. that is by my on Honorifict  privilegy to Others  Person  in the Face of the Earth, today...


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