The History True in ours Hearts in the just I Firts Christians Corneluios. in the Centurion .of the Guard Imperials.

Must of yuor Home in the faith Dedication . of ours Lord And Saviuor Jesus Christ. the Dedication of Corneliuos . is very Importands in yuor Life the Make
on Faith Promecy .in the Defence to the Familys Christian . in the Anexus City of Cesarea of Philipus.
yuor New Home. is Now on Churth in who are Share the Holy predications in ours humillity Saviuor. in the Anno Domini 63 -64 Datos historys in Archives of Library of Vatican Sudterraneans , by the whisstneses in yuors Inmemorails Days . on Importand letter Imperial . permited on Defhinited proscription to yuors Familys and the So Must of yuors House . for Order of the Emperator Nero
Cornelio is Acussated of traitions to the Rulers Imperials. and yuor House Now in the hands of Nero. Corneliuos and Everythings of yuors familys Death in the Manys Horribly Martiriuos . in the Fire yuors House and Ricks . Aisllated by the Order of the Emperator Nero.
Corneliuos Annuncing Faith the Menssager Divine of ours Saviuor Jesus Christ . in the just love by others yuor House . is the firts Churth in the Illustred Cesearea of the City philipus in the Importand Port of Jopha
Note the Persecution of Nero Not only is in the City of Rome this Beginings . in the Distric of jerusalem and part of the zones Imperial of the Decapolis. 10 Citys to the North of the isreal in the Times New Textamentarys.
the impact of the Just and Divine Evangeliuons . in the Visit of Peter, to yuor Inmemorial House . Impact in the and yuors Hearts to the Service And the Ministery of Lord God.
and on Inmemorial . Causes , in the Menssager Eternal of ours Saviuor. jesus and To So Must Generations. in the True of the Scriptures and based historials of the just Apostolos. in the True Menssager Christians. and the Study of the Scriptures.
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