The Valor of the Sabbath.

The  Importands Day is the Sabbath in the Scriptures, and the thematicals Eternals . of the Vertion in the Holys Scriptures the Major Models Spirituals. in the Valors . just . and the Firts Comandaments in the Promecy .Divine,. in the Formations of the Scriptures in the Activitys in the Formations . of the Activity . in the Bible this Day is Memorably in the Vision of the Bible . and the Hope Divine,..
thanks to Great Love Divine in the Scriptures. 
the Bible is ours Importands Menssagers in valors and just , in the Faith Hope Divine , in the Scriptures , and Menssager Eternal , that is part of the Hope. in the Bible. that is the faith Promecy in ours Saviuor jesus Christ   in vertion just of the Holys Scriptures..
in the Evidentials the Scriptures.


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