The ¿ why Existings Differential Point in the Exo- Bio Genesis . Not Inspirated in the Scriptures. II Part

in 1981 the Illustred Dr  and Sir Douglas Dixon . Writtings on Texts In the Major Thematical Scientsitics of the  Ficcions. in When are to the Scene of the Monsters Criatures in on type of Codig in The Great Alteration.  in when to Species .  well in when to ours Answer in the Major respect . to the Dr  and Sir Duoglas Dixon.  and ours Menssager to yuor Illustred Person.  in the Based to the Divines Scriptures and Order of the  Genesis . Existing On Order in the Creation . and in the Recients Discovery in the Face of the Planet Earth . On Order  in the longs Studys , and Examinings , in  The Creation.  

ours Geneticals intro is on Order . in the Major . Studies . Phisys . Perfect of on Creator.  in the Cosmos. the Great and Eminents Mens of Sciencies . Ask on in the Firts Complex Reason . to on Creator. and the Nexts Reason. of the Texts Hebrew {Berichith}  and the Laws in the Vastion of the Universes.  in who are Existing on Great Order . in the Cosmos and ours Humanity . Not Similliars to the  Silvestries Criatures in the face of the Orbe terrestials .
in the Great Differents , that ours Humanity .
the Criatures , in the Contac of the creation . Incluyings Birds and Species . Smalls  Not Similliars in institives . in yuor perceptions.
the Man is Different . to the others Species . in the face of the planet Earth. in  6 Day Creativeds , that is Different . to on type of Class Amorffes Type Geneticals . in the totals Deformations.  in the Illustred Schotlland the Firts   Just Men in the Investtigation Undherstanding the Valor of the Creatives Fountains. and the Order of Orbes
well when The yuong Giordanus Brunus Studies to Arsittotles  the Sapient Aristtotles Undhetading others Types in Class Externs And Expontanies , of the .forms . Aisllateds . and Not Based in the Creation. Divine.
in the  Nexts longs Studies in the Dr Lius Pasteur . in  The based of the Criatures . Extern in the Species . the Illustred  Dr Lius Pasteurs ,. call to its the Theory Expontanies.  in  Eminents  Freach
today SoMust in the Great Confution. of the Species Paspernicals. Not Relationated in the Creation and the Order. of the Times. in when to Every the Creator
the Illustred Greeks knoweled  others types . in the Dimentions of yuor Gods , Not Based in the Texts original Hebrew. in the instrucction. of the Order of the Creation. in the Sciencies Primary Beginings . Every types of Confution and Allteration in when to ours Creation and Generus Dear Friend and Dr Sir Duoglas Dixon  in the Mores of ones 199 years in The History Scientsitics  in when to the Dr and Illustred and Inmemorials Scientistics  the 
Sir  Charlez Robert Darwin in Every England  and yuor Illustred Expeditions Scientsitics.  Not Experiential in the Creation. that EvidentialMind Existings.  in the Order of the Times. Eternals  in  the Vision of the Exact Creation in the Face of the  Scene of  the Planet  Earth
Note Investtigation Theologal Scientsitics of Jhon Knox Instituteds. and the Instituted Apologetrycal Miapic International . Biblicals . Students  Reforms Presbhisterian. 


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