Octavianus Agustus Isreal Anno Donmini. of the Vision Global 71.-72 I A E C Century

Octavianus  Agustus .  Son of the Great Rome and  the Future  Nexts Emperator. in the Just Texts of Saint Mattew  in the  firts Lines inpirateds  in when to  yuors descriptibly Menthions. in the   History New Textamenrys.
in Rome Ocvtavianos Agustus  is the Great Yuongs in the Edifications of the City Eternal . in the Marmol. and Luxes  in when to yuor Reason of on Great Gubernaments. in the lost of yuors Brothers in the Formals Vision of the History New Textamentarys. and the Secullars odl History of Romen. Empires.
yuor Character . on Yuongs in the Firts Vocation Imperials . Seriuos . and On of Great Conquisters of others Nations in the Order of the Odl   Romen.Society   in the Firts City of Pompeii . in  the Remenbering besfores of the Horribly Eruption of the Volcanus Herculanus.. on Icons of yuor Face . in the Figure of Marmol. in  the Direct Honor the Emperator Octavianus Agustus. in the Possition Directs of  Eruption of the Herculanus.
When are The Emperator Cesear is Killings .in the Center of the Senated Di li Capitoli  Octavianus. Ecerxises the Power in the Order and the Search to the Conspiracys   and  he conmings  in Great Perseccutions. to Marcus Aureliuos . in yuors Desafied to the Sucess  Romen. and in defences of yuor Phater Death the Divine Cesear. in Egypt  and Death of the Proconsul Pompey in Egypt.
the Bible and the history is on Act Really. and the Assignatureds of the Order Inspirated and the History Just of the Times. Inmemorials and  in the  Actuallitys.  of the Times in the Vision Globals of the Bible.today.Note Achademical the Holys Scriptures  part of on Great Really to ours Eyes and yuor Exact and Faith testimony Divine. the Bible Not is on Mitus is the true  in Every the Humans History  Others theologues ,in tall  Critics  is the Auttority of ours just and Divine Saviuor Jesus Chrsits to the Lihgts of the History  and yuors Injustics Pages. Octavianus Agustus Gobernaments when ours lord Jesus Nativity in the Humillity City Bethelem  today in the Injustics Great Comflict intry Isreal and Palestine. peace to theys.. Note  in yuor just Days. the Pax Romen  and Tolerancies and Respect to  the Belierfvs of isreal in the  times New Textamentarys in the Odl Past.


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