The Archeology Biblicals and the History .IV Vision.

The Nexts Point in the Vision of the Archeology is Ours Study  Respect to the  Nexts Characteristics Historials in When to the Nexts  Conquisters  of  the  Young Kings  Alexander Magnus  of  Macedonia  in  the Odl  Reguister . and  Discoverys ,. in the  Nexts  Archives  Hebrews, And  Arameics. and the Reguister Testimonials of the Just and Illustred Historian Ben  Joshep  Mattatyahu   Joshepus  flaviuos  in the Anno Domini 76-96 D .E. C  in yuors  Inmemorials. when to the Eminent Person of the Alexander Magnus.and the City Odl of Jerusalem. Jhoshepus  Make on just Reguister in when to the Eges of the History . Respect to the Visit  of the Yuong Alexanders   and Texts of the just and Faith Profhet Daniel. in Anno Domini 363  in the Longs Period Gubernamentals of yuor Yuongs Monarquies . A. D E .C  Joshepus Written s  this Importand texts . in the testimony . of the Odl Archives Hebrews in the Longs Days . of the wars Odl Hebrews Extra Odl textamentarys.  in the vision Examplars of the Profhety and the Archeology Archives Historials . respect to the Nexts Empires . in the Greek and the Times in the Longs Nexts 400 years in who are the just Spirit Holy Not Advertices to this is Generations.
in the Expert Country of the Profhets,  is  Alexander the  Great . defhined on Exactly and  Faith  Profechy  in the History Divine and the Canoon historials. 
in the Archives of the history of the Illustred  e Inmemorial  Dr
joshepus flaviuos . Existing Major Informations in the Exactly  vocation Really and Historials respect to the People Hebrew Extra Textamentarys. in the Historials Reguister .  in the Study of the Odl Archeology Biblicals. and the just Profhets 
Note Achademical in the Nexts Times of the Historian Joshepus Flaviuos Existings on Vision. Generals . Respect to the Country of the dates Historials . in the  Conservation of the Archives .  and dates Exact in the  history that Guard on Interesantings Perspectives in the Models Type Archeologycals . Respect to the Times of the City Jerusalem Odl. by others part Flaviuos Joshepus  is  on Inmemorial Achademic s . in the Regusiter . Historials is  the Mores Interesanttings . to the  Events  in the Flaviuos in the House Imperial in when to joshepus is yuor descriptived  vision  of  the investtigation . Odl and the Dates just.  of yuors Odl Generation .and Ancestor  Hebrews  in the Times of the past. 
ihts impact to the House Royal Imperial of the Flaviuos . in yuor Knows and Exortations . in when to on Briefs and Exactly Reguister  of yuor Manys Great Times Inmemorials. in the History Hebrew Pre Extra -Textamentary and Yuors Wars. and in Times of the Odl Wars Extra Odl Textamentarys intry the Greek and Hebrews. Affthers of Death of Alexanders, Magnus. Note The Machabeos . to in the Translated Greek of the Lenguage  Koine  Classic  The Men of the  Hanmers
Note Expositives 400 longsYears  in the Major Silent in the History Deuthorocanonicals today Know by the Civita Di li  Sede Vaticani. in yuors Bible Examplar Call. the Texts and the Books  Apocrifics  in the Order  Greek  Sexptuaginte Deutorocanonicals. Not inspirateds by the Order Divine .in the Holy Spirit.


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