The Biblicals Education in the Original Fountains. Archeology I Vision

The Inspirated Scriptures and in the True of the Bible and the  Importancies of the Life Christians and the  Educativeds  Models and the Thematicals Inspirated in the Archeology and the Mission of the Originals Study Apologetycals in the Defences of the Biblicals Repherentials. in the Valors  of the Holys Scriptures.and Perspective Archeologycals in the Times Divines and Inmemorials of the Bible in the Scriptures . 
The Bible is ours Major .Model Spirituals. and the Just Scriptures in the Reason . of the Major Inspiration in the Texts Divine .
the Order of the Scriptures, permited Great Vocations To Ours Hearts . today .and the Vision Respect to the Scriptures in this Moorning of the Holy Day Sabbath
and the Education Respect to the  Faith  Historys,. in when to the  Major and Just Memorys.of love to the Scriptures. in  ours Lord  and Saviuor  Jesus Christ.
in the Major Auttority of the Scriptures. in the Divine Order Inspirated in the Pages  and the History longs and Nexts this is Holys Inscriptions is permited  on Great Menthion. Callings in yuor Names  the House Really of David in the just Inscription of the Royal House Inmemorial of the Just King David
Note Educative the Importand Perspectives Achademicals. in the Perspicazy Divine of the Faith Manuscripteds Inspirateds. in the Nexts   Biblicals  Archeologue of the United States the Sir and Dr  and Illustred
 Proffesor William f Albright
Sir Willian Albright is the Major and Importand  Chistianithy Archeologue . in the Experiencies .in When to the Perspectives of the Great , investtigation . in Actuallitys land of Biblicals , in the Repherents of Education Standars of the Illustred University of Telaviv  in the Studys Major of the Scriptures in the Actuallitys.  in Investtigation of Small Dateails in the Odl and  the  Inmemorail Inscriptions. in Eges of the  Biblicals History  in the Times and Sucessfulls  of the Kings of isreal in the past . in the Exactly  Correct Truth of the Holys Scriptures . in the Texts . in the Nexts Books of the King I -II and the Texts of the Chronicales I and  II  Texts . in Discovery just of the Dettails in the Dr and Sir. and Proffesor Willian F Albright  in the  Class  Magistral  Educativeds in When to the Nivel of Archeology.and Biblicals Achademical Schollings. in years of Experiencies of the  Biblicals, Canoon. and  the  Archeology in the  Biblicals  Lands   Inmemorials. in yuor just legady of Honors the Dr Albright is on of the Mores Importand Archeologues of the History Comtenporanies . in the Biblicals Archeology Standars. and of Schollings Universitary. in the is on Major Legady in the Actuallitys Universitys of Illustred Americans Universitary Theology.and Archeology.Biblicals. in Memorian 1899-1971  in the Major Legady of Honors  in Scholling Theology Universitary of Investtigation Archeology Discoverys. in Originallity Investtigations. Biblicals Reasonings. Educatived  Standars.  Achademicals. Pemsun


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