The Biblicals Paleografhy III Part
The Paleo-Scriptures in the Translated of the vertiens latin {Palus} Texts and in the odl Vertion in the Scriptures

the Biblicals Texts in the Exact Paleografhy Divine in on order textual Masoreticals of investtigations. and the Order of the Manuscripted .
in the firts Investtigation . in the Century Past 1880 -1899 to the on Great Century XX-to ours Actuals Nexts Century XXI.
the Great Vocation . in the Holys lands
Isreal in the Nexts Times Inmemorials. Permited Fountains Historials Originals . and on Nexts Exploration . in the Canoon. and the Firts Activitys Apologetycals. in the texts Exactly on just Example is the Nexts Texts how the just Profhety Ishaias in yuors Discovery . in the Great Mountains . Kumran others texts in Masada . in who are Guard Military israeli . Remenberings . the just Act of the Heros . just and yuors Familys. Years by and years

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