The City from Jerusalem in the Longs Days Felix and Agripa II Vision Global Archeology and Biblicals Study

in the Explendors of the Great Romens  Imperium  in the Anno Domini 59- 60  D.E Christians in the True Based in the Texts of the Book of the Acts. and the Concordancies of the Nexts Acts Historials in Jerusalem,  and the  Just testimony  Historials
in when  to True of the Scriptures and the Cocordancies Historial in the inmemorial  Times of the Past  in ours Nexts Study Theologals . and Biblisticals Today is the Proconsul
 Felix.  and the Kings Agripa  in the when to Felix . in the Great Archives of the Romens History. and the history Extra Textamentarys. yuor Married and union of the Family by yuor Wife  in Adulteriuos Call in yuors Names Drusilia.  felix. in Union to  Yuor New Wife Jewis  Very Yuongs . Drusilia . and in yuor Occupy Livings in the Tall City from  Pompeii in the Years Domini 79  in the Explotion of the Vesubio she and Yuor Son Small. of the House Proconsular of Felix. Listens to the Just Apostels Paul. in jerusalem in the texts of the Book Inspirated of  the Act. in the Union of the Others Ancestor Royal of the Great Herodians. yuor Nexts firts  Names is Agripa. and yuor Royal Wife Berenice in others Translated yuor Personal Name Eunice
Existing  Seriuos Dates of ihts . Kings  Agripa. this is King. Death . in the Great Circus Romen. intro of the Beastials Salvages  by yuor Tall and Great  Corruption  Agripa. is Codenants to the Pugnes in Great Force by the Animal of the Circus. Not Never  Acept the just Gospel and the testimony Holy. Felix. Proconsul. in the Wars and Conspiration in the States Romens. the Bettrayals   in the Longs  Exiliums.  Beyonds . of yuors Wife and yuor Small  Son  in the Great City from Pompeii. in the 79 D. E. C  33 years laters of the just Discurse of the Apostles  paul in the City of Jerusalem  and yuor  Just  Apelation to  the  Cesear.  in the City  of the Seriuos Sucess Historials. in the Reason of the Scriptures and the True  in the first Years 46 and 48  to the Nexts Years Donminis 59-60  in the  Century I. D E Christians,  Note Agripe death in Anno Domini 100 in the lost final just Days in whe are  Joshepus Completed the  Mores Great texts in yuors Names the Jewisth Wars . and Odl Jewisth  in the longs Experiencies of yuor Illustred Rome in the House Royal of the Flaviuos.


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