The Conciencies in the Freedoms Christians.

When the Bible and the Manuscripteds Exponed the Love and the just Valors of ours Lord and Saviuor Jesus Christ . this is on Conciencies . Exactly in the Menthions . of the Scriptures , and the History Divine .
Not  in when to ours Conciencies the Negations of ours Lord and Saviuor Jesus Chrsit. who are is the True . and Reason Apologetycals of the  Christians  History
in the Manuscripteds Inspirated . the Trueth is ours Lord Jesus christ . and Yuors Comandaments .  in the Scriptures is the Mores Great Word Divine in when to yuors Divine Auttority that is ours Saviuor Jesus Christ in the Origings Christians. in the Divine Apologetycals of the Bible. is on of the defences Major that the Seudo -Doctrines of the Men in the Tall Corruptions. and Denegations. today. 
Ours Saviuor is the True . and he is ours Defences. and yuors Faith Comandaments. in
ours Conciencies. today. the False Consept Arrianistics is today on Denegations to the Divinity of ours Saviuor Jesus Christ . and the Conciencies of Must that Not Acept the Truth Biblical Original in the Holys Manuscriptes the Arrinaismo is today on Great Herejia in the Hearts of Must person Inocents . and in the Wordl Christains Actuals. 


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