The Divines Laws and The Mens

The Holy Laws in ours Hearts is on Faith Promecy Defhinited in the  Theocratics Countrys  and the concordancies  Spirituals . Respect to the Statuted s  Holys in when to  the Scriptures , in the Conmemoratives Passing in the Rulers and laws Divines .
the Bible is the Apologetycals is Auttoritys in when to The   Reason. of the Scriptures,  and  the  Holy Vision of the Bible,.in the 500 years..
the  Divines laws . odl . in the  Directions to the Holys Statuted s,  and Moral and Theologals.
in whe are the Laws Divines that Permited to Men Livings just . in the Really Vocations, just.of the Scriptures in Talls Promecy, and Justices. 


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