The Talls Eges Darks in the Proscripted Vision Medievals. The Events of the Bible.

in the Diretions of the tall Power Eclesiaticals , in the Only Formers of the Monasterys. in when to the Scriptures . Besfores of the Nativity of the Dr Martin Luther in the Longs times in the Great Medievals Periods. is The proscripted Every type of the Nexts Class of Knowledges ¿ why in when to others Conciencies , well this Great Evidencies . Existings in the Longs Period of the Rome . and the Class of the Great Etapes in the Great Crisis of the Times .
the Lihgts of the True Permited to Firts Phaters in the firts Reallys Convertions. in Europea in the Anno 1516 -1517 in the perspicazy of the Events of the History. and the Major Evidencys of the the Eges of the Christianthys .
and Perspicazy of the just reason of that Permited to the european in the planus of Conquisters. of the great romanistics Churth. today . in tall The Confution of the Times. by Generations. to ours today . the Examples of the Past. and The Biblicals Canoon in the Conciencies of the valors . to the Reason . of the Falses Models today Views. and the Great Repherentails . of on Vision of on wordl In the Slavitudy . in when to the Seudo- Doctrines. in Times Darks and Today. only the Lihgts of the Bible is on Passing Evidential in the Minds of the Men Just . and Not of the Error. and Today Power Magnus of the Falses New Order Eclesiaticals Wordl. Respect to the Philosopies Not Biblicals..and Not inspirateds in the Great Confutions. And Great Fraud
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