The Fundation of the Firts Order and Cultes JHS.And The Asociation Seudo Religiuons .in the Activity.

in the  Eclesiaticals History Existings So Must Order and  The Fundations . in the Activity Type Religiuons. and Seudo- Organizations in the Firts and Great Fundations by the Order  JHS. in the Nexts List . Opus Dei. the Order .Charismaticals.  and the Seudo Asociation . Secret Today and Organizations. Masonics Order and . The Whacthower Bible and Track Society. Org and Others Nexts Types. in Theachings. and Seudo Apologetycals  Order. Mormons.Org  and Others Majors. the Inmemorial Dr And Ex JHS Priest Albert Rivera Romero . in the Years 1967-1981  Make on Great Revelation of this Causes. in the History. in the Tall Order. Eclesiaticals. and Incluyings to  the Order Iluminatum Iluminatis. in the Lenguage Sphanisth Vertion Iluminados and the CIA Organizations. Kukux Klan. and Others in  today the New Order Wordl. 
in the Great Scene of the Wordl Contemporany and ours Nexts Times Actuallitys. in the just Respect to So Must Person Inocents. in the History Eclesiaticals
 in the Actuals Century XXI.  that is on of the Great trueth in the history . and that  Not is Based in the on  insolict Fraud  is the Wordl to Ours Eyes . in the false System . today  in the Character Religuions . and the Denegated. to the So Must .Person  in  ours Conciencies. in the trueth of the Scriptures. and the Faith Defence s Apologetycals. in the Study of the Scriptures To Ours Conciencies . Just. and the Spiritual Vocation in the  Direct and the Seriuos Fountains . in when to the Nivels of Theachings and the Methodologys . Original Biblicals. in the Truth Theachings . Reformated. to ours Conciencies and the Others .. Person. just and Inocents. in yuors valors. and Love to the Christians,.True. in the Nexts  Based to the faith testimony of the Org. And infiltration and the Changes.  in the  Freedoms Conciencies Religions. today.


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