The Globals Vision Theology and Archeology Isreal. I firts Century the Gobernament of Galigula Claudiuos.

Cluadiuos Botitas Galigulas, is others Importands Emperator in the Biblicals Study and the Historial Repherencies  in the Anno Donmini 46 -48 in the Finals and the lost Longs Days ofthe Great Emperator Tiberium Gracus . in the Palatinums di li Villa Fobis . in the Tall of the Sea Meditteraen s  in the Seriuos Events of the History and the Conmings descriptions of the Acts in the City Eternal  Rome and  the Period  in the City Holy  Jerusalem.
when Tiberium Death Afixiated  by yuor Adoptived Son . Galigula. in the Usurpations of yuor Thrones. in yuors Great Dementials Possition .
in the descriptions of Claudiuos and Joshepus . in the 2 point Nexts of yuor Expossition Jerusalem. livings . on Great Caos . in the Yuor City . on Statued in yuor Names . Now the Honors of the Emperator and yuor Craizy. and yuor Possition . Not Acept in the City . of the  whe are to the Peoples . in yuor Postured . destroyed the Statuted Imperials in the Center of the City. and the Future Death of Galigule. by yuor Act. in Rome and yuor Inclutions. Corrupted in the Longs Days of yuor House .
Ben Mattatiayu  in yuor Name the Illustred Historian Joshepus . Explian the Nexts Aspect. in when to House of Galigule . Equal that the Emperator Claudiuos  Cesaer yuor House and yuor Order Very Tall In the Corruption Morals. and Publics Formers. and on Man in great Controvertial. in Final of yuor Longs Days.
Note the Nexts Emperator Cluadiuos Nero livings in this House of Great and Affect Corruption. and Years . Laters Propcripved to just Son of ours Lord Jesus Christ. in Rome .


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