The Reason of the Bible and Archeologys I Part and Vision Overture
The Longs 500 years in the Firts Investtigations and the Biblicals Fountains is on of the Mores Extrordinarys Search in the Biblicals Canoon and The Experiencies in Manys of 190 Years in the Ask Archeologycals in the Holys Lands
The Scene of the Vision of the Bible Occupy on Amazings Factors in the Evidency Inspirated . and the Conmemoratives Odservations . of the just Period Biblicals.
the Valors of the Scriptures . is ours Great Hope Respect to the Archeology . and the Examinings . Inspirtaed in the Texts Biblicals. Schollings.
the Firts Phater Comtenporanies of the Reforms Protestants in England and Part of others Nexts Districs and Territories . is the Firts Incurtions of the Exactly Biblicals . in the Reason . of investtigation in the Longs in the Period Historials. in Education Biblicals Schollings.
in the Real Universitary of the Oxford and Chambrige and in the Others University . Mores Importand in New York . in the Valors of the Archeology of the Bible .
in the City Comtenporanies of Telaviv isreal and University Central Hebrew of the Illustred City Modern Telaviv. in the Zones of the Biblicals Territories in the Formers of the Studys Archeology and Bible
the University Schottland in Theology . and the Thuringe Seminary in the Illustred Germany. this is on Investtigation Major .
in the Zones of the Holy Land. and Ubications of the Parages Phisys in the Really valors of the Biblicals Originals.Studens and the Zones Exploratorys .

and Today Present in the University Surth Adventsitics . of the States in Giorgia Atlanta E .U .A And The Reformers Presbhisterian Seminarys . in Ibero American . and Part of North American Miami Florida in the valors of Country Theologal. in the Illustred Europeans Investtigations. in factor Educative and Scholling Internationals . in the reason Experiencies and Types Archeologys . in the Nexts Vision Generals in the Investtigation of the Archeo Anthropology .in the Zones of the Distric of the Biblicals Class and Investtigation testimonials. Scientsitics in the Zones of isreal. today.
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