The Seudo Theachings of the Purgatory Not Inspirated in the Canoon by Jhoaness Tezsel

the False Doctrine of the Ellites Eclesial . in the Past of the History , of the Great and Present on Longs Study in when , to Reallity Vision . of the First Thematicals . in the Great Confutions. Hereticals Today and Anti- Apologetycals.
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in the longs 500 years . of the Evidencies , Views on Really , Formations. Differents . in when to Word Inspirtaed and The True Theachings , Biblicals. and the Vision reallys of the Scriptures ,
in the Nexts Conmentary of the Dr Ralp Woodruoms he Affirmative Rome Intruduccings the Odl Thecahings . Politeistics of the Greek and romens. in the The Teach, Of the Seudo . Christians. in when to the Purgatory ,.
the Doctrine Nexts . Thecahing . by the Great Philoshopies Greek Aristtoteles .Platon. Socrates , in yuors Nivels of Theachings . in Direction to Causes Not Inspirated . yeah Not hereticals. inOurs Longs Days . Today.
in the Nivels of thecahing Not Biblicals . in the inspirtaion Divine of the Lord God. and the Falses Causes. in iths Types of Formations. not Direct To canoon. Biblicals. in longs 500 years . the Biblicals Original Theachings Not Acept the Doctrine General of the Purgatory in fires and Flames.
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