The Seudo Theachings of the Purgatory Not Inspirated in the Canoon by Jhoaness Tezsel

The Seudo Doctrine of the  Purgatory is on of the Doctrines Not inspirateds in the Just  Reguister of the Holys Scriptures . In Times Memorablys  of the Reforms  the Illustred Dr Martin Luthers.  Desafied to Tezsel in when to this Falses Doctrine Anti -Apologetycals.  ¿ why  is Importands  to have knowledge that  this is Doctrines Not is of Charater Biblicals.   in the Odl Indulgencies of the Sir Jhon tezsel. in the seudo Doctrine Romanistics   in the Conciencies of the Firts phater of the Reformers, in when to tezsel  is on Great Hereticals Formers of the Types  Doxologys and thecahings Similliars. in the Hereticals Fountains.
the False Doctrine of the Ellites Eclesial . in the Past of the History , of the Great and Present on Longs Study in when , to Reallity Vision . of the First Thematicals . in the Great Confutions. Hereticals Today and Anti- Apologetycals.
today in the Minds of So Must Person. in when to Reason of the Bible that  Occupy on Great True . Extrordinary ,
in the longs 500 years . of the Evidencies , Views on Really , Formations. Differents . in when to Word Inspirtaed and The True Theachings , Biblicals. and  the Vision reallys of the Scriptures ,
in the Nexts Conmentary of the Dr Ralp Woodruoms he Affirmative  Rome Intruduccings the Odl Thecahings . Politeistics of the Greek and romens. in the The Teach, Of the Seudo . Christians. in when to  the Purgatory ,.
the Doctrine Nexts . Thecahing . by the Great Philoshopies Greek Aristtoteles .Platon. Socrates ,  in yuors Nivels of Theachings . in Direction to Causes Not Inspirated . yeah Not hereticals.  inOurs Longs Days . Today.
in the Nivels of thecahing Not Biblicals . in the inspirtaion Divine of the Lord God. and the Falses Causes. in iths Types of Formations.  not Direct To canoon. Biblicals. in longs 500 years . the Biblicals Original Theachings Not  Acept the Doctrine General of the Purgatory in fires and Flames.


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