The Global Vision in Thematicals Biblicals. Historials Jerusalem Anno Domini 70

Note the Based in the History and the Investtigations. in the Nexts Sucessfulls. and ¿ Why in the Seruios Studys in the Contexts Inmemorial of the just Testimony in the Dr and Historiam Joshepus Flaviuos and The Profhety in ours Lord Jesus Christ. in the Anno 70 when the Leguionarys Romen in the Great Wars intro of the Jewis in the Land and the Chronicals . in the descriptibly Possition. in the Imperial Flaviuos. in when to Truth and the Direct Reason of the Holys Scriptures. in when to the Flaviuos Intry in the odl City . and make on Sacrificies . in Honors to yuor Gods Mars yuor God in the Sacrificies 2 jabalies.Salvages in the Odl Center of the Offertory. in the Great Adverticed of yuors Words in the Nexts .in Vertion Latin. and Yuor Lenguage . Eum Captuvis Judereum in the History testimonials in the Briefs History of the Great Wars of the Hebrews and Jewis in the just History Profhetycals . in isreal in when to the 2.017 years in yuor Illustred and Great History. in the Fire of the Great Temple in yuor Total Destrucction. in the History and Profhety. Divine.

Textamentarys. in The Great Power of the Romens Legiuons Emperials. and the Lihgts of the Scriptures this is on of Major descriptions in the Times in Faith Testimony in Direct reflextion of the Exactly and just Profhety. that yeah is Really. to ours Eyes just. and others person in the Inmemorial Educations. Biblicals.
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