The Visions Global in the Scriptures and the Times And the History of the Christianithys in the Vaticans Archives

The Archives  Di li Civita Vaticani di Roma  in when to the Formulations of the History of the I -And  II -III  period Historial of the history of the Firts Christians  in the Rome City. in the Investtigation of the Character the Dates Exactlys. in when to Search of the Documents . Mores Importands of the History . in when to the Reason of the Investtigation historial of the Archives . Reallys . in the Library Di li Civita Vaticani. and the Present Proyect Theologals  of the Investtigation . Secullars of the history and the Archives . Actuallitys . in the Perspective  theologals. today. in the Seriuos And Importand History of the Events today . in The Menthion in the history of Rome, in times Actuallitys. and the Present in just Comparation in the History Divine of the Holys Scriptures and the Profhetys in when to the Nexts  Sucessfulls.and the True History of the Causes in the Great testimony  in the Formations Christians
Note Singullars Theology   this is Nexts types of Archives and Compendies . in yuors Great Informations. Guard by the Today Talls Preladys and The  Eminents Priets JHS and Dominicus. in the Today Order of the Civita Nationali Di li Civita Vaticani. in Italy in the Actuallity . Millies of its Documents . Heplth To On Odservations . Major in When to the Reason.   Historial of the Period . in the Concordancies and the Great Changes Controvertial Times  I - II -and  III Century Anno Domini. and the Secret Relations of the Files of the History. in the Conexttions of the Major Persecution . and the Sucess of Di li  Historiali di Firts and Primitivi Cristianisti  in the Vatican Archives. is the Major Formations in the History in when to the Nexts Individuallity Sucessfulls  by Longs and Nexts Generation and the Nexts  Longs Centurys of the So Must Thematicals .Really. in when to the  Firts just Son Christianthys  in the  Seriuos History Today. and by Longs  Generations  Nexts  And Futures.


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