Vision Global Theology and The History .New Textamentary in the Based Really Claudios Cesear The Emperator In Opossition to the Holy Day Sabbath

The Great and Nexts Emperator is Yuor Name Claudios Cesear in the Just Times Past on Eminent and Special  Inttelectual.and On Great  Chatedraticals. in the History and Retoricals Pemsun  and On Emperator that in yuors Illustred and Small Life  in the Nexts Opossition the Just Christians. in Romen  and the Negation of the Habith Jewis and Prosciptions.of the others Causes in Romen and Others Part of Zones and districs of the Imperiums  .
incluyings the Negation of the Day Sabbath. on of the Charactieristical of the Odl Emperator Claudios Cesear, is the Nexts. 1 on Man in the  this in yuor longs life on type of Greave affecttation phisys. Yuors  Great problem.  in when to yuor personal defect. on Stuttering
in the history Divine the Emperator Cluadiuos Cesear  is  Menthion in  Others Parages in Special the Texts of the Inspirated  Book of the Acts. in the holys Scriptures.
Note  Achademicals.  and on Emperator that in yuors Longs Days in Direct Opossition to  the  I  Firts Christians. and just Jewis  in When to yuors Rulers , and Habith.
in the Chronical of the testimony . Joshepus Flaviuos .  in yuor Great Proscription Not Only the Jewis in Rome yeah not in the Major Vocations of the On Similliar Habith in the Guard the Sabbath. Equal that the Just Jewis  in when to lines inspirated of the Bible  and the History Divine and Vocationals . in the Holys Scriptures. 
in ours Conciencies , the Just Christianisthy is on Great Valors . in the just Divine Word. and the Major testimony Divine in the Scriptures . and the Reflextion to the Today Theologues Ecepticals. in the Great Achademicals Pemsun Liberals in when to testimony Really to ours  Eyes. and Conciencies. the Nexts History Relateds  Writte and share Here in ours Bloggers is by on Great Reflextion to So Every in the Humanity Respect to the Bible How Auttority.of the Errors Eclesiatical Traditionals  Today is ours Guide and just Autority Forevers.


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