Antrophology and Apologetycals. Biblicals. Defences in Order Inspirated. Firts I Overtures

The Illlustred Country of the Biblicals  Antrophology  in the First Fountains . in the Holy Land  Isreal  and the Bible in the Major Model Divine. Experientials. and Vocationals.  in mys Nexts Hours of the Moornings. 10 06  in the Study and Reflextions of the Scriptures .
the Manuscripteds of the Bible Occupy on of the longs Vision . in yuor Anthropology . and the Valors . of the Divine Eruditions. in yuors Divines pages in the Holy Theach. to ours Generation and The  familys . in the Majors Vision of Love and Conssolation in the Spirit Holy . and the Nexts Searchs in yuor Anthropology and Vision . Culturals . of the Study inspirated in the longs Generations . of the History Divine. to ours Today Possition . of Studies . in the perspicazy of the times . in the Originals Rulers . in the Comandaments of Love . and Just Vocation . in ours Hearts. in yuor Divine Love. the Mores Great Love and Vocations. Spiritual in Based to on History Really.  in  ours Lord Jesus christ  that is ours just Defence Faith in the Conmandament Divines . ours Saviuor in the Familys. of today. in the Holys Scriptures.
thanks to the Bible in ours Hearts Ecerxises on Direct Vision and Defence to ours Saviuor. Exactly in yuor Model of love . in ours Century Actual XXI. and to So Must mores Familys in the face of  Earth in the  Defences to the Eternal  Conmandament and to ours Saviuor Jesus Christ today and  Forevers. 


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