Antrophology Biblicals. Vision Unipolars Theology Bible and History III Vision Unipolars

The Scriptures and the Manuscripted s  Inspirated in the Valors . Mores Greats of the History . and Consservations Educationals . in isreal . and part of the Examinings of the Others Peoples in the Searchs of the Menors peoples Hititas. and Majors in the Mesopotany  this part of the Biblicals Education theologals in the Majors Times of the history.
today the University of Oxford and the University Anglicanistics of the Royal City  Londons England  and the University Statal of New York in the United States of North American.  in vision Unipolars . of the Based Archeology and the Study in the Antropology Biblicals . Respect to the Parages of the Canon and the  Biblicals  Reguisters  inspirated. in the Odl Antropology of isreal. in the Based true to the Exactituditys and inspirations Divine of the Contexts. Biblicals . in the Investtigation . of the Parages of Canon.
Respect to Gedeons. and the Just Judges of the Period in the Firts Thematicals . in the Archives . of the lands Biblicals.
in the zones and Studies of the Apologetycals of the Odl Textaments and the Vision of isreal and Great Part of the Lands Palestines today.
in the Study of the Archeo Antropology . in the Illustred Lands of the Bible. ones 4.700 years A D.E Christians. in the Odservation of the parages of the Odl Textaments . in the vision of the Small Peoples Pagans in the Order of the Scriptures and the True Reason of the times. in the Events of the Bible and the Holys  Manuscripteds .
the vision of the University in Oxford in the Great Years Respect to the Education Biblicals is on point Extrordinary . and really. in the formal Educations Formals . Achademicals . in the  Reforms.  Events of the Bible in the Factor Really. of the history True in the Similliars vision of the Antropology and the Comunitys. in the really valoreation of the just and Holys Scriptures .in the perspicazy of the manuscripteds . in tall valors. of the Affirmation of the Bible and the Scriptures in Factor Achademicals. of the investtigation and Anals. Reallys. 
in the Events Seriuos . of the Examinings . in the final times of the II Great Wars of the Wordl. in the palestine and isreal of the years 1947  in the Rollings of Sea Death  this is on Vision of the Others Similliars Canon of the Bible and Order Similliars to the of Masada
 in tall of the odl City call Herodiun in the Examinings of texts Exact . in the Order Biblical Originals in isreal and Palestine. in the Inmemorial Times of the Century XX.
Note Achademical to ours today possition of  The Exautived Canon. inspiratedin Conservation in longs 70 years Defhiniteds in the history true of the Canon.Respect to the texts Originals. in the Expossition  of the Today City Modern  Telaviv isreal . and Great part of the Cultes Nation European.


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