The Auttority in the Scriptures. and The Diferents of Error. Biblicals Odservation Theologals. Vision Globals

the Firts Repherentials of the Investtigation of the Trueth in when to Reallys Odservations Theologals of the Investtigation Biblical Globals in Theology . in when to Firts Investtigation By the Dr Eduard Raymond Frank in the Period . of .the  1986- 2.009  in the Original Evidency in freedoms of the Conciencies in the Bible and the Reason

 of the history. General In the United States and the Others part of the Earth   in when to Original Truth of the Scriptures . and Possition. of the Events . in when to the   Scriptures . and ours Defence to truth of the Bible and the Reasonings .of the Testimony and Odl Archives of the Whacthower Bible and Track and the Testimony Based in the Lihgts of the Originals Trueth in the Scriptures . and the Texts in ours Conciencies. to the Seriuos  and Inmemorails Activity theologycals in the Scriptures and ours Defences to truth of the Bible in This is Nihgts. of the Firts Day of the Weeks.
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