The Day of the promesy Originals.

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the Prototype Holy in the past is equal to today the law true and Eternal Not  Suffer Nevers on type of  Changes in the  Inmemorial Scene  of the Scriptures.  in when to ours Saviuor Jesus christ in the just Menssager of love and Vocation. Really  in the Holys Scriptured of the Bible. Respect IV Comandaments Remenberings of the Holy Day  Sabbath  in the Santifications. of the valors and Conssagrattions. Originals Biblicals. in the Major Hope . of love Christians.  in when to laws Eternals of lord God That Not is Changes . in yuor Comandaments  just. and divines in ours Conciencies. and Hearts in the Familys Christians. today in Every Face of the planet Earth today in the Humillity Familys Christians. in  the  honors of the Valors of Love. in  the  Causes Eternals in the Divine Justice  


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