The firts Familys Christianithys in the Cities of the Chatacumbes. III Part

in the firts 0-11 12 hours of the  First I Day of the Weeks in the Sunday the History of the Just and Reallys Firts Familys . in the  First  Century  in yuor Homenage theologals. of love. and the Conssolations. in the Evidentials History in the Coold s Chatacumbes in Rome theys in yuor Great Love by ours lord Jesus Christ . in the Great Hope of the  Conssolations. and The Divine  Pardons. is today on Example of valor Christianithys by longs and First Generations. in the history of the Eges and Comflict Imperials.  in yuor love and the Conmings  valors  to ours lord Jesus Christ. in yuor Model of love and Hope. 
the history of the Firts I  Christians Familys  in the First Conmings  Persecutions. of the history is on of the Great True in the Hope . and the United  of yuor love by ours lord Jesus Christ. in the Testimony Divine and the Order Theologal . in the valors and the Character Geniunes of the Familys . in yuor Love and Hope..Fraternals in ours Days . in who are SoMust  in yuor Examples. and the Faith Promecy of life Eternal. in the Character of ours Lord  and  Saviuor Jesus Christ. in ours Small Reflextion of the I Day of the Week. Comon.
Note in the Coold Chatacumbes in yuors  vocation to ours just Saviuor .and the Honor to yuor lifes Spirituals. in the Study Personal . Original in the Scriptures and the Vision Personal of the just Historian. who are Livings yuor descriptions. in the Major Hope. 


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