The History Biblicals and the odl Publics Punishments I Vision Historials. Thematicals.

Jerusalem Anno Donmi 29 -33 D. E .C   in the Firts Centurys in the Type of  the Classifications in  the Punishments and Order of the History New Textamentarys  and the Testimony of the Historians Joshepus Flaviuos and  Plinuos yuongs . and Tacitus . whe are Livings in yuors Days the Testimony of the Mens in the Patibulums {Staurus } . in the That is Defhinited in the New Textamentarys history true of the Christians how the Punishments Call the Cruxificttions.  in my personal Investtigations. Historials. Based in the Texts of Joshepus And Pliniuo the Yuong and tacitus . Existings  on Reason truth in when to its seriuos truth in the Anales of the history and Archeologys Biblicals . Not denegated and Not Changes in when to the True Originals . in ours Love and respect to Others person that Not Acept this True Historial . in the Nexts Great Changes . of the Times in when to the  Point of the Translation of New Wordl of the  Holys Scriptures. in the Translation of the Greek Koine Originals. and the Vertion Reforms of the Bible. today. incluyings the Vertion Romanistic Catholicals . to the Vertion God Speaking today   in yuors texts Deutorocanonicals. Vertions. Based In the History and in the Inspiration Divine. the Word Greek Staurus  Not is only on Nivel Vertical of on Poste  its is on types transversal Staurus. in the New Textaments. Divine. by longs and Continues Generations . the Imperials  Romen   Punishments  in Great Patibulums. in the forms of traversal. lineals. in Seriuos  Explication of the historian Tacitus . in Rome. this is on of the Major Description in the Longs period Imperials in yuor Line of Times. others aspect is the Illustreds Historians Joshepus Flaviuos. whe are Descripved in the Anno 70  D. E. C   who are  is on Ocullars Whistneses and  ¿ Why  in yuor Implementations of its types of Great Punishments. in the really history . Romens. in the city Odl of the  Jerusalem. in the  Firts  I  
the Great Idea Romen in when to the Punishments  is on Vision Odl. in yuor Ideal of Transversal Patibulums. in the City of Jerusalem. and the  Faith Testimony of Joshepus Plinio the Yuongs .and others Historians  in the true Testimonial of the Act in the First I Centurys.  in the Moornings of today 9  18 hours A M of  Pacifics  in the Biblicals Instrucctions. Educationals. the Parages of the translation .Biblicals Expositives Existings Originalmind Evidencys. that Archeologues and Nivel of the historians in isreal and Part of the Territories of Hebron today Know.. in the Special its Pleace in the Clasification by the Powerfulls  Society Whacthower Bible and Trcak. in yuor Denegation and Order to the Original Vertion of the Scriptures respect to The Punishments in Century I. and in when to the Septuaginted Greek is Traslatated to the Latins Lenguage of the Vulgata Seventum latinus. know today in the Investtigation Biblicals. Generals.
Note Expositives in When to the Dr Sir Willian Whiston  traslated the Texts of joshepus of the Idioms Greek to the lenguages Comuns  he part of on Really in the Inmemorials Times of the Bible and the just Conciencies and the Reason. of the Vision of the Archeology..and Apologetyca textual in the Texts Greeks.and Order yuor Postured is  on Great and Eminent Dr of the University in Oxford. England


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