The Importand Study of The Odl Textaments Theology And Study Educatives. Vision
the Importands Study of the Odl Textaments . in the Sacra Scriptures . is the Investtigation . and Reflextion of the instituted Presbhisterian . of the Jhon Knox. Barranquilla Theology and Study and the Missing Theologals in the States of the City locals Miami florida by ours Brother and Friends the Dr Edgar Mizraith.and the Team of Investtigation . Hermeneuticals and Apologetycal in the florida States in the United States of North American and the Actual City of Barranquilla. Ibero American. Colombians in the Divines Pages of the Scriptures . in the Acts Inspirateds in when to the Importands in the Examinings of the Texts and Faith Hermeneuticals . in the Hebrews History . and the texts Originals . in the Vertion of the Bible in the Studys Thompson and others vertion in Ibero American . and Sphanisth Investtigation . and the Englisth Vertion Investtigation in the texts Arameics and Greek. originals. Koine. Classic.
the Central History of the
Odl textaments is part importands of the Scriptures Hebrew Arameics and Great Part of the Greek Vertion Koine Originals in the 300 Generations in The Nexts 500 longs Inmemorials Years in yuor History Conmon. in the Study of theScriptures and the Longs Eclesiaticals Pensums in Rulers Inspirtaed of the Canon Biblicals in the History of the Reforms. Eclesiatics , Model . of Investtigation in ours Firts I just Phaters of the Reforms. and the Inmemorials, pemsun Achademicals. in the Hermeneuticals Expretions. Bible and Investtigation Formers.
Note in the Longs trayeactory of the Great Period Eclesiatics Reformers in the Conciencies just of the firts Phater Reformers in the Theochratics Funtions of the Study in the Originals Sacra Scriptured di Soli di Gratia. in the just and Eminents Faith Dr and Sir Marthin Luthers of the Error Traditional li.di Rome. inthe Longs 500 years. today in ours Memorys. in the just Reformers of . Jean Calvinus. Jhon knox in the Illustred Schottland. and the Illustred Land of Royal Britains. in the just and Holy People of England. and Germany. in when to the Sola Scripture and the Examinings of the texts vocational Hebrew and the Greek koine, in ours Hands. today .in firts Hours of Ifirts Day of the Week.the Sunday.
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