The Insignitys Statuted of the Lord God That Not Changes.Eternalminds.

The Divine  Inspiration  and the Just Statuted of the Laws of Lord God Not Exercises Nevers  Differents  Changes . in the Study and Examinings of the Scriptures.   ¿ why  this Differents Reflextions. in the Order of the Holys Scriptures and the Conmandaments. Divines , the Laws Sthablecings in the Divine Order of lord God. YWHW  Not Exercises Changes . yuor Laws is Eternals. incluyings the Remenberings Day of the Guard the Sabbath that is on Comandaments in the  Remenberings and is on Statuted Divine the  Actuals Changes by the Great Order Eclesiaticals . in the Nexts Centurys III- IV  
in the Day Comon of the Ressuretion in the Order Eclesiaticals. in the Today Chatequesis  of Rome  in the Transpherentials Point . and The Changes of the Times . in when to the laws. Translatated by the Order of the Men. in The Country Humanistics  in the Philosphies . of the Greek and Rome. in the Great Paralelles of the Times. in when to  the Comandaments Divines.  the Word Statuted . that Ecercises on Significateds in the Order Lingiusticals . is Laws Not Trasformateds.  this laws that Nevers. Exercises  Changes . in the Laws Divines . to Everthings . the Scale of face of the Earth.
in when to defences Apologetycals of the Scriptures . and Others Laws. in the Divine Theach . in the Supremacy of lord God. on Example Not Only to isreal yeah Not to others Nations. Not isrealites in the Example .of the Times in the Mixte Nation that is United To Isreal. in the History Divine. and Apologetycals. in when to the Pemsun Inspirated of the Bible.
the Character of the Humanistics . Permited to the Great and traditionals  Order of Rome Eclesiaticals in the Longs  Centurys  on Great Changes . of yuors Mind Occidentals. intro the News Philoshopies Greek and the Instrucctions in yuors Activitys. in the Great Apostasy of the Times to ours Today.  incluyings the Great Changes of the Eternal Comandaments . in the Scriptures . Incluyings . the Abholitions of the Day true in {Nuah} the Sabbath. to the Different of  the Firts 1 Day of the Week Occidentals. Not Inspirated in the Scriptures . to ours Conciencies and  Magnus Studys.
the Solaris Domini Not is on Day in the Inspiration Biblicals . Never in the Manuscripteds its is present. to the lihgts of the Scriptures and ours Conciencies. is the Direct Violation to On Solemnity Comandaments . of the InMemorials  Laws and Statuteds Eternals. to the lihgts of the Biblicals Vision. and Not of wordl Occidental in ours just present. Century XXI.


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