The Odl Archeology and The Day Sabbath. in the Odl Sinagogues in longs times of ours Lord Jesus christ Firts Vision Thematical Biblicals.I Part

The odl City of Jopa in the Century Firts .I  is part in the Major Grades of the Firts Comunitys of The Odl Decapolis  in the 10 Citys Romens in the Wordl Odl. and the perspective of the Archeology in isreal . in the Zones and the  Districs. Odl. and in yuors Inmemorials Days Existings . in the Major Vision Geo Archelogicals  Cities in who are in Small Sinaguogues. in who are existing on Reunions  in the Share the Sabbath.
this Class of  Cities  in on Distancies of the Romens  who are part of yuor Festivals. and the yuors Acts  in the Circus Romen. in the City of  jope . and yuors temples in the to yuor Gods honors to Jupiters
the Odl and Small Poblation Hebrews theys . in yuor just Diciplines to Distances. of its Horriblys and pagans Act.
the Day Sabbath is views in Culte of the fitts familys Hebrews . in just Adoration. beyonds of the Ritual pagan of the gentils. in hebrew Original {Ghoyins } . the love by the just Comandament in the isreal in times of ours lord Jesus Chrsit is on of the Model Major in the Hope..and yuor Familys . in the Odl City Romen of Jopa in isreal. in 2017 years.  to the Archeology of today. in  the Activity in the ARcheology Divinein Holys Scriptures  Existing on investtigation Phisys of the Existing in yuors Longs and Inmemorails Days the 1.The Illustred Inscription of Pilatvs.Pvnciuos. in the Proconsul of Judearum  Discovery in 1961 in limited of Odl Circus Romen. of the Great Emperator Tiberium Gracus.  in fiath Testimony Divinus in the Scriptures and History. Arche Antropology. to ours Eyes . in yuor longs Days the Odl Gobernaments of the  Romen in firts Inaguration of the Circus in Honor to Divinus Tiberium gracus. in Ceserea of philipus. and part of Jopa. 
Note the just Son of isreal in the Firts Century Not Acept this Class of Adoration to the Men. Only to  The Lord God and the Day Sabbath.


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