The Odservations. of the Point in the Vision Greek and Hebrews Achademical Studys

The Great Septuaginte  Greek is on of the Major Texts . in the Scriptures . by Saint Jeronimo Dalmatians of Alexandries.  when are  livings in the Firts Longs 40 years and the  Period of yuor Just Life In  odl and Small City of  Bethelen in the Century II -III in the Great Period s  in Study of the Churth, Primitives in yuors Antropology and Life.
on just Studys. in When To the Perspectives and Reason. of the Bible Greek. in Conservations of the texts . in the Century III So Must  Dicipules and the Christians. livings  in  The major Conssagrations. in the Search of Lord God. in Special in the 70  Odl. Elders  in the Translation of the of New Vulgarus Seventings  in the Exactly Copy Originals of the Septuaginte Greek. Originals. in the Order . and  the Missing. to the  latin. Lenguages. Today in  Knoweleds  by the Drs  and Biblisticals Order . in  The original Vertions. to the lihgts of the texts . of the Great Heregias in the Centurys  II-III -IV  and defences of Canon in ours Writter in the First Days of the Weeks Sunday.
The Bible is the Major Auttority of the Times . in the New Moornings of Today. to the Eyes of the Truth Divine in the texts . and the Perspicazy of the Greek Koine. 
when the Bible is ous hope the Small Cases  Exercises . on Vision . to the  lihgts of the Bible  In the Major Present . and the Faith defences of the Apologetycals and the theachings inours Lord And Saviuor Jesus Christ. in just Vocation Reallys.
the Example of Saint Jeronimus is on Major Examples in the texts Originals and the Today translations . in the Correct Postured. to the lihgts of the Truth . that is ours Humillity and faith Saviuor Jesus Christ.  in the Order of the Holys Scriptures.
and in Ours Conciencies and the defences of the truth Originals. in the Divines Manuscripteds.inspirated.
in Nexts Generation in the Reform of the Monasterys in the past and Present . of the Copys . originals in the Copys just . to the Eyes of the Person Mores in texts Hebrew .Jeronimu and just Person and others Heplth to the valors of just Scriptures . in yuor Love to ours Saviuor Jesus chrits in Great Valors the Scriptures. yuor personal Intteressing is that the Scriptures readings  in the  lecttures personal. and on Exautived Study. Major in the Nexts andNew Generations. the Bible is on Valiot Transures to ours Eyes . in the Love and the Justics to the person Mores Humillitys  in Everything Grades. in the instrucction Theologals. of love..


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