The Originals History of the Confesionary In Tall Theology Romanistics. Vision Unipolars Theology And History I Part

Laters of the Great Flood Universal.  the Odl and Inmemorial Ancestors of the Decendients of the Eminents King Nabuchodonazers  in the Direction to the Great  Nimrod theys Edificateds on Great and Imponents  Great City  Call in the Firts texts of Inspirated Book of the Genesis  Hebrews {Babliu}, in the Territory and the Districs of the Valley of Sinar . in the Call Medie Moon Fertils. today Irak  and  Iran Zones and Districs. in the Actuals Medie Orients

in the Expert Document of the Dr and Sir Hislop in when to the habith odl and Ancestral of the Great and Phisys City Ancestrals  Babylon  the odl Priest of the Babylon  in the Uttility of Order in yuor Name the Conffesionary. in who are yuor people permited the Secret  of yuors Errors  and the Violations of yuor laws . Comons  this is in Times Inmemorials . on Historials  passing in  the Great City pagans, of the Royal  Babylon by the Conffesition of yuors Life. .
Note the Word Conffesionary Not is inspirated in the Scriptures Never is Search and Never this is Uttility by the Firts I Comunitys Primitives Christianithys of the just Apostles and the firts I Christians. Familys  in  the Century I the proscriptions. of odl Emperators  and in when to others Reguister of  the Archeology , is  Acept the Menthion this Words. in Direction to  the Peoples and City Pagans odl A.D. EC  in the Exampler of the Great  City Babylon. 
Note Vocational Achademicals in the Character Achademical and historials. in the formations of the texts Biblicals. and the Investtigation Biblicals Originals and theologals. in the Faith Holys Scriptures. in the history of the Century Firts I  the just Christians . love  to Adoration True. in when  to the Really Prayings. and Spirituals  Vocation to the just Gospel. and just Sacrificies  of ours Lord And Saviuor Jesus Christ how only and Great Mediator intry God and Mens and Not Existing the Confesionary traditionals . in The Anales of  the I Century . D. E. C in longs Days of the Emperator Constantinus . the Order is Sthablecings of Confessatory in the  Nexts Centurys .III-IV D.E.C in yuors Origings Not Biblicals. in the Line Inspirated of the Scriptures. in the Today  firts Day of the weeks


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