The Sabbath in the Faith History Divine

The 316 laws of isreal permited . to the Peoples Mixtes  {Goyhin s}   the just Obediencies of the laws Divines  in when to the valors of the Promecys just and Divines . in  the Illustred Relations to the Divines Scriptures. and the Leguislations . in the Major Theologals Evidency Divine .

on Example is the Word Hebrew . Goyhins. Exercises on Importand Significated to the Peoples and Nation Not Hebrews,  in the Study of Odl and New Textaments. .
in the Relations . to the Day Sabbath
In the When the Day of the Sabbath Original . Reguister in the  holys Scriptures.  in the Reguister of the History Inmemorials of isreal. and the Nexts Generations . in the Biblicals. Reguister  the Holys Scriptures . in the Menthions. of Nuah in the Peoples  {Goyhins } and the Remenberings of  the Holys Day Sabbath  in 7 Day. Originals.
in just Direction Spirituals . and Profhetycals.  to the lihgts of the Scriptures . and the Biblicals Reguister. in ours Conciencies. and just respect to the Scriptuures. and Manuscripteds. inspirateds, 
the Peoples Mixtes . Son Converses intro of the Nation Egyptian. and others Nation . that in yuor Union to isreal. how people Major. in the just and Holys Scriptures. to ours Conciencies today peoples of others Nations. by the just Sacrificies of ours Lord And Saviuor Jesus Christ. in the History of the New textament in yuors inspiration and Reguister . and just respet to isreal. and The Peoples Not  Hebrews. this is Day Sabbath Not is on Heregias . is on just and true  Day. in ours humillity Conciencies of the Different  to I  Day of the Week. to the  Sunday.
in the Faith Conmandament Original of  Remenbering. IV Laws just and Divine. in the others Nation and isreal.


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