The Sabbath on Importands Answer in the Scriptures.

The Holy Day Sabbath is on  Solid  Answer in the Holys Scriptures . and in the History Divine and Apologetycals . The Bible is ours Major Answer in the Repherentials of the history Divine and the Day Memorably by longs Generations. this is on of the Major  and Importands Days in the Vision of the Bible to Differents of the Men. 

and the Really  Character Occidentals of the Sunday. Not is the 7 Day  in the Study Apologetycals of the Scriptures and the texts Divines. in the Investtigation Biblicals.
in the Study of the Major Evidencys in the Bible and yuor Solemnity Auttority. in respect of SoMust person that Not Undhertanding the Major . Searchs in the Bible and the Scriptures Originalminds. in the Apologetycal Divine of the Bible and Not of the Mens  in ours Hope in the Lord Jesus Christ . The Guard the Sabbath Not Constituying on Heregias . is on Comandament in the Promecy Divine. in longs Generations of the Changes by the Traditions. Comun  in the Activity .Religiuons. 


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