The Study and Vocation of the Word Inspirated. and True in Ours Lord and Saviuor Jesus.Christ

The Manuscripteds Inspirateds is ours Faith Hope in the Just  Valors. in when to the just Trueth of the Bible in the Faith and true Theach in the Direction to Ours Lord and Saviuor Jesus Christ  to the  Lihgs of the True Eternals . that Is Ours Great and Faith Saviuor  Jesus  Chrits.
the is the Eternal True That Others Types of Philoshopies . in the  Humans  perspectives  in the Scriptures. Inspirated and Divines. in the Holys Manuscriptes Divines in who are the lihgts True is Guide to So Must person that Not Acept the true Biblicals. in the Hope of the Salvation


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