My Conciencies to the Eternal word of The Lord God and Not in The New Babylon System falses.IV part Love to the Christians

My Conciencies is part of the Bible is  only in She  My Faith Theachings. is my Great Transured s. Divine . in Years . and  My
personal  Life to the Bible and Not  to the Darks Thesis New Babilonicals . is on Total trangretions in the Frontal Opossition to the Lord God   and  the Bible and yuors Theachings Just.
Note on Type of Logias Not is On Hope to the Faith word of lord God and the Reason and Perspicazy to the holy Bible and yuor Defences Apologetycals .
Note Descriptived this is on Signal that  Not is Biblicals . Nevers intro of the Christian . Nevers is practices by the Just Phaters of the Reformers. in yuors Odservation and Studys . only by the Ancestral Secret rituals . of Babylons. in times past. in my Conciencies Christian . Not is just . my life by ours Saviuor Jesus Chrsit is Major that its.
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