The Area of Instrucction and The Major thesis the Bible.

The Bible is the Extrodinary and Faith Word Divine  Major that The Today Country Secullars of  the NWO  ¿ why well is the Auttority of the Creation . and the Fountains Spacetials . in the Study . Apologetycals. is the Life . of the Men. that Today Constituyings. yuor Ecepticals Former in just respect to yuor Vocation. and is the Valors Spiritual and inttelectual. Defhinited. that Others Thesis and the Intro Philoshopies,personals
the Word of Lord God is the vocationals . and yuor Love is Great in valors. and justice.  my person love to this Great Book. that Others Fountains . just. is today ours Reflextion. of tall Men of the New Order. Secullars. Religiuon  political and Cultural and  Scientsific. in yuor character Liberal yuors Greats Fortunes.
is My lord and Saviuor Jesus christ. that is the Adsoluted True of this Temporal Scenes.


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