The Great festival of Mery Christmas . and yuor Really Origings. and Culte.

in My Christians Conciencies . the Festival of the  New year and the Mery Christmass. in yuor Really origings Nexts .
Rome Anno Domini. 100 - 1014  D.E, C.  in when to the Origings Ancestrals . in the firts Copy of the Odl City Ancestral of  Babylon. in the Nexts period of Great Kings Nimrod and the firts Period . of the Others Nations  in the vision of the times . of the Kings of isreal. in the Chronicals . of the history Holy . Respect to the Reallys. Vision . of the
the Day and Season of the Satturnalys . part of on System Odl in the Days of the inmemorials City Babylon. in when to Semiramis Queen of the Adoration  in the odl Babylon . in yuor Festival  of the the honor to the Talls Sacrificies  Tamuz.yuor Son. 7 December in the Nation Ibero American
and The  adoption by Generations . of the Day 24 and 31 of the lost  Moon  December today the Great Scene of the history . in the  Concordancies . to Great festivals . Not Inspirated in yuors  Biblicals Canon. . in the Origings . of the Babylon and Rome Odl. in the Great Festival call Saturnaly . in yuors Adoration to yuor Gods, Not Chistian the just Christian in times of the call Sacru Empire Romen. theys pugned in the  Great valors to the Not Aceptation of yuor Culte . in yuor linages pagan. in the Century II- to III  in when to the Known. inspirated in yuor Conciencies . and the Origings of Babylon. in the introduction of the Romen. Festivals in the longs Explendors of the Emperators and yuor lifes . in the Variants Adoration to yuor Variants Gods. 
the Transendental festivals is on of the today Call. Happy New Years . in just Respect to So Must Person . and in yuor Homenages to the on Years Yuongs. in the Significateds of on Divinity. Pagans in the  Centurys Bacco. This is  on festival in yuor Odl past Inmemorials. in the pagan Tries of Ashera. yuor Mastil is Makings on Small Statuilled. in on  Great  tries. in the Bible Exponed the Reallys . Vision of its Events . in major True of the Scriptures . and the Reformers . the firts Christian Not  Aprobated iths Nexts  Festival. in the Firts  I Century . and the valors of the Christian. of the firts II  Century. D.E C
the Great Apostacy . of the times. is Aprobhated in Rome. in yuors  Circules . Social. in yuor festivals  in the Great Lujuries . and  Constumers.
in the Order Eclesial year laters the Figureds of The Saint Bischop of Rome   Saint NIkolia Clauss. Known in the Nation of European and North American in the Actuallity.  in the Great Day 24 of the Special Nihgt Just of  Moon of December that Not is part of Calendary  Hebrew, yeah Not Occidentals. Gregorian Magnus in the Holys  Honor to pope Saint Gregor Magnus. in the Archeology Existing Seriuos Dates Nexts the 1 hislop  in the Study of the habith Odl of the City Ancestral . and the New Reformations . Eclesiaticals . in the Country Wordl and Comercial in tall factor Religiuons. in the Conciencies of the So Must person and the just christian of the present and the past. in yuor Historials. Apologetycals. and  Inmemorials. jhon knox investtigation Apologetycals . and Study.
Resultado de imagen para saturnales


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